million users
in advertising inventory audiences
Boost your brand awareness
in premium and high-recall spaces.
By investing in advertising on Netflix, you will be linking your brand to a premium space. With an audience with a validated online purchasing capacity and a medium to high technological profile.
Netflix is an advertising space that complements in an excellent way the communication strategies in Social Media or Display. As an immersive and entertaining channel, your advertising content will be perceived in a new way.
Take advantage of Netflix’s unique capabilities to segment your audience by profiling the series or movies they like the most. Associate your brand with the streaming content that best fits its image.
in advertising inventory audiences
with advertising inventory on Netflix
by content consumption profiles
One partner, all the capabilities for your advertising strategy
For years we have been innovating in advertising, becoming a reference in technology.
Netflix has been no exception, presenting a unique opportunity to associate your brand with a high-value space such as the one represented by this platform.
As an ad agency for Netflix, our duty is to certify ourselves and advise our clients to maximize the impact of their investment.
From content creation to measuring results, Boomit provides a comprehensive Netflix advertising agency service.
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