
Artificial intelligence and content: reinvent yourself or go extinct 🦖.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a set of systems and algorithms that mimic human intelligence to… blah, blah, blah. I think we all know what this is about, don’t we? And, if not, that’s what Google is for. Let’s get to the point 🎯

Lately, many images have been circulating that were created with AI, from new avatars for social networks, to the elaboration of hypothetical scenarios, such as the “selfies”.
of the end of the world” (I’m sorry to say that they are a bit creepy ☠️).

AI-based technologies are also becoming increasingly popular in the entertainment industry as they create more realistic interactive experiences, but what about in the area of content creation? ️

Meet Jasper, a copywriter’s best friend


The other day (I’m not sure when), Karen Zwitkowits, a fellow content creator, showed me how Jasper works. I must confess that at first I was a bit skeptical. I found it hard to believe that software was capable of creating text that was actually of interest. The truth is that I was 🤯 BOOM!

Jasper is an AI that can be used to generate content on-demand, which can help
save time 🙌🏾 and maximize their productivity by generating original and engaging stories, blog posts and other types of text in a matter of seconds.

Suddenly, I was faced with a writing tool with the potential to help me focus more on developing my ideas, leaving the rest in the hands? 🤔 of this artificial intelligence. To give you an idea, Jasper can be used to create different contents such as:

  • Articles
  • Social media postings
  • E-books
  • Landing page texts
  • Copies for advertisements
  • E-mails
  • Promotional content
  • And, surely, much more.

How does Jasper work?


This technology is available in several languages and has multiple functions, including composition. It allows the user to create text with a single click (or a couple of clicks, I’m not going to lie to you). All it needs to work is a description of up to 600 characters on the topic to be discussed, the tone of the communication, the
to be included, the language and the length of the outgoing text.

Of course, all that glitters is not gold and, while Jasper can make a copywriter’s job easier, it can also make a copywriter’s job easier .
can not replace it (at least, for the time being 😅). Sometimes, the text suggested by the software is not 100% adapted to what you had in mind. However, there is another function that can be useful in these situations: the re-phrase or paraphrasing. As its name indicates, it is used when you want to rephrase a sentence, saying the same thing, but with other words.

There are two other functions that stand out: correcting grammar and explaining it to a 5th grader. The former is particularly useful for reviewing texts and making sure there are no morphological or syntactic errors; the latter allows for simplification, converting complex content into more user-friendly versions for the general public, who may not be as involved in the subject matter.

I hope you didn’t fall asleep 😴 because now comes the best part 😏.

Let’s put it to the test: How does Jasper feel about Jasper?


In this section, we ask Jasper to tell us about himself. The specifications were as follows:

Write an article about the functions that Jasper, an artificial intelligence software for content creation, has.


Jasper, content creation, AI


Text length:

3, 2, 1… ⏳

“Jasper makes content creation easier than ever. With its AI-based automation, you can easily generate engaging copy that meets all your needs. Whether you need to create dynamic blog posts or informative articles, Jasper has the tools to help. Try it out and see what it can do for you today.”

Clearly, if there’s one thing Jasper knows how to do, it’s sell himself 🤑 I don’t judge him, he won me over, how about you?

Gonza Pastorino

Gonza Pastorino

Director en Domus | CEO @ Boomit. Apasionado estratega de revenue growth de marketing digital. Más de 10 años de experiencia en manejo estratégico y consultorías de empresas multinacionales, y más de 12 años como director de proyectos tecnológicos de alta complejidad.

Copyright © 2023 Boomit.
All rights reserved. MOSEYA SA / 1011 Cassinoni , Montevideo, 11300, Uruguay / 12550 Domus Global Services LLC
/ Biscayne Blvd., Suite 406 North Miami, Florida.

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