
News 2024 in RRSS

Learn about the Digital Marketing trends that are here to stay:


Facebook / Meta: the beginning of networking

  • Mature communities: 60% of users are over 45 years of age.
  • Business Suite: expanding with enhanced features for marketers.


TikTok: the star that exploded in Pandemic

  • Brands and more brands: several companies are preparing to join with new strategies.
  • Large investments: competitive advertising costs along with Instagram.
  • Content is king: influencers work as a wonderful strategy.


Instagram: the power of social media

  • Support for creators: new features called ¨Exclusive Stories¨ and ¨SuperFollow¨.
  • Video format: a must, launched Reels, removed IGTV and unified it into ¨video¨.
  • Shopping: Live Shopping to buy products live.


Twitter: the savior of the RRSS

  • Instant: the network of choice for checking recent news.
  • Subscriptions: Twitter Blue, a service available in Australia and Canada that allows creators to have premium features such as editing tweets.
  • Spaces: drives the same functions as Clubhouse in force since 2021.


Linkedin: the most powerful search engine for jobs and Public Relations

  • Some new functionalities:
    • Audio formats similar to Clubhouse.
    • Streaming service
    • Support to recruiters for personnel selection such as video calls and interview preparation.
Mai Mejias

Mai Mejias

Content Manager | Boomit. Creatividad con foco en Performance. Me apasiona contar historias que conecten marcas con audiencias.

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