
How to build a successful digital performance strategy?

03 August

First things first…

What do we know by performance digital marketing?

Within the universe of digital marketing there is a subcategory known as

digital performance

. This strategy (or group of strategies) has as its main objective to
to achieve results

It is therefore essential to work within a set of channels that are measurable and
This makes most of the traditional media obsolete for this type of strategy.

Before talking about the marketing plan, it is necessary to understand which are the main channels that a digital performance strategy contemplates. Each channel has specific tools and requires different tactics. Let’s review the main ones!


Social Media

Social networks are composed of different platforms and
platforms and applications
that allow individuals and companies to connect and share content in different formats.

People often interact with multiple social networks for different purposes.
different purposes
such as finding out about the latest news, connecting with other professionals in the same field, or reading about their favorite celebrities.

To select the right platform and ad formats, you will need to look at which ones are
which ones suit your objectives and allow you to target
better to reach your audience. Do you want to improve your positioning? Expanding into other markets? Engage in conversations with your customers? These are some of the questions you will need to ask yourself in order to choose one, or a combination, of media.



SEM, or Search Engine Marketing, is what is commonly known as search engine marketing. It is the practice of using advertising to improve the visibility of a site or web page in search engines. In other words, what we are looking for is to appear higher in Google search results when our brand is searched for.


SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the set of tactics focused on optimizing search engine optimization. Unlike SEM, here we refer to organic results, i.e., not paid results.

When determining the ranking of a page, the search engines take into account
relevance and authority
. Relevance is the degree of match between a page’s content and a user’s search query, while authority is a measure of a site’s trustworthiness and popularity.

The higher the relevance and authority of a page, the better it will rank in search results.

Email Marketing

Email marketing consists of sending emails to a database. The objective is
to attract new
establish relationships with existing customers,
build customer loyalty
interacting with contacts, boosting sales
generate confidence in a service or product, confirm a purchase order, among others.

So how do we choose the right digital performance strategy for our business?

Having a plan in place
helps us to align commercial objectives with initiatives that generate the necessary engagement to drive our target to carry out a certain action.



1. Establish the objectives

Every company has its business objectives, whether it is to improve profitability, increase sales or expand into other markets.
The digital performance objectives are derived from these objectives.


Performance objectives must be aligned with our business objectives and, at the same time, be measurable, achievable, specific, relevant and time-bound.

These objectives can be established as
performance indicators

(KPIs), quantifiable metrics specific to a given campaign.

2. Define the buyer persona.

Defining the buyer persona is very important to understand who we want to impact.
Segmentation is a key step
It allows us to target a specific message and identify the ideal channels for each interest group.buyer-person

3. Identify the competition

In order for marketing efforts to be efficient, we need to
identify who our competitors are, what they do
what they do and how they communicate. An exhaustive analysis of the competition will allow us to know how to make the most of online marketing tools to outperform the competition (for example, to see in which channels they are strong and in which they are weak).


4. Allocate a budget

Our budget gives us the guideline to know
how much we need to invest to achieve our objectives
and thus define the channels, campaigns and strategies to be used. Setting an accurate budget will depend on many factors: revenue, brand positioning, historical results, objectives, market, expected profitability, etc. While it is important to start with a solid budget allocation, we must be flexible and learn from how the active campaign behaves to optimize our resources.
optimize our resources (budget reallocation).

(budget reallocation).


5. Select channels

In this step it is necessary to choose the channels to carry out the strategy. The choice of channels must take into account factors such as objectives, budget and audiences. It is crucial to have defined our target audience to correctly select the channels. For example, if we are a B2B company, LinkedIn is a viable option. If our target audience is teenagers, TikTok is a good alternative. Here we must focus on how
deliver value

to our audience through the channels they like the most.

Synergies between channels can be beneficial.
We will often have channels that can work together using common strategies that leverage both media. An example could be a pay-per-click (PPC) campaign that seeks to generate leads and is complemented by an email marketing flow to transform these leads into sales.

6. Develop strategies and content for each channel.

Once the channels have been chosen, we must think about the best strategy according to our objective. For example, if we choose SEM, we must put together a structure of search terms for our target audience to find us on the Internet, and thus deliver a specific message to each user. In turn, we must focus on how
offer relevant content to our audience through the channels they like most.
. Each channel offers different tools that suit different objectives; for example, Google Ads offers campaigns optimized to get app downloads, and Facebook has re-engagement campaigns for products. To sum up,
the strategy we choose will depend on what we have decided so far, such as objectives, budget and audience.

such as objectives, budget and audience.


7. Schedule

Every effective performance strategy includes a
campaign implementation schedule
. This is because not all strategies may start and end together. This point will depend on the timing previously specified in the strategy objectives. A widely used tool for scheduling is the Gantt Charts.
Gantt Charts or Gantt diagrams.


8. Measuring results and KPIs

Once the campaigns are active, the final step of the marketing plan is to review our KPIs to measure the results achieved.
measure the results obtained.
We should compare our initial objectives with the preliminary results to make decisions on campaign optimization.
campaign optimization
. If the main KPIs are below expectations, an optimization process will be put in place to improve ad performance.It is important to measure the performance of each channel to establish which ones work best and which ones can be eliminated. It will be time to rethink the
redistribution of our budget


Now that you understand what performance marketing is and the keys to a successful plan, it’s time to scale your business.
time to scale your business

At Boomit we are experts in performance marketing and we have the necessary experience to help you achieve your goals. More downloads for your app? Quality business opportunities? Subscriptions to your service? We are your ideal team!


What are you waiting for to get results?



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